In recognizing the importance of customer’s personal data, Thai Lee Foods International Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries have established a policy to determine secure data processing and collection procedures to protect personal data and comply with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 as below.
In recognizing the importance of customer’s personal data, Thai Lee Foods International Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries have established a policy to determine secure data processing and collection procedures to protect personal data and comply with the Personal Data Protection Act B.E. 2562 as below.
“Personal data” shall mean personal information that can be used to identify a person whether directly or indirectly, but not including data of the deceased.
“Company” shall mean Thai Lee Foods International Co., Ltd. and its subsidiaries that may process personal data of service users obtained through this website.
“Service user” shall mean a natural person or legal entity that provides information to the company through this website.
The data collection shall be conducted within the purpose, scope, and method allowed by the law, justifiable, and to the extent necessary to provide the applicable services. The company shall arrange to obtain consent from the data owner in writing or through an electronic means, except where consent may not be obtained due to certain circumstances or exempted by the law, in the following cases.
In some cases where the company is required to collect sensitive information such as race, religion, philosophy, sexual inclination, disability, labor union, genetic data, biodata, and health data, the company shall arrange to explicitly obtain consent from the data owner.
The company has implemented personal data protection measures and a policy that are applicable and in compliance with the law to ensure that the data is processed for relevant purposes and securely, and to prevent loss, unauthorized access, destruction, modification, alteration, or disclosure. The company also ensures that the employees are aware of their role and responsibility in data collection, storage, usage, and disclosure. The company reviews the measures and policy from time to time.
The company may collect, use, process, transfer, or disclose your data on this website for the following purposes.
As the company recognizes the importance of personal data, it shall not disclose user’s personal data to outsiders, except in the following cases.
The company shall store your data as necessary for the relevant products and services, and the duration after the contractual or service period made with the company, as required by the service or applicable laws such as the accounting law, anti-money laundering law, taxation law, and the company’s policy and terms of service. The personal data shall be deleted, rendered unidentifiable, or destroyed at the end of the storage period.
The users shall have the right to personal data under this agreement and applicable laws as below.